Growing into Gold

Before all life found its beginning

The seed existed in a urn of obsidian

Through inky tendrils, however cruel or twisted

This little seed; she resisted

Soon creation did flourish

With amethyst grace was new encouraged

A chasm grew between the violaceous and dull

Splintering until capacity full

Next elite hastened to rise

Striking azure gaze against murky skies

Yet sapphire tears, cried plebeian hearts

This little seed; gone in the dark

Then fancied powers turned phases

Words of sage all change emblazes

Among young or olive dawn came about

Accompanied by minute sprout

After better empires forever competed

The amber blossom seen only by defeated

Though bronze petals were like, distorted by light

This little seed; reaching new height

Across all places or time

Always there for one to find

Like the fibers in a celestial rope

This little seed; she is hope

Querido Niño

El sol sale, y te despiertas para trabajar

Tienes el imaginación de dos mil doble de tu edad

Pero arrugas tu cara y aprietas tu mano

–Querido niño, te vemos.

Al mediodía, te transpiras

Es agotador renunciar a tus sueños

Enterras tu esperanza en la tierra

–Querido niño, no te rindas.

A la tarde, tomas un descanso

Miras pinturas en las nubes y te sonríes

Cuentas los aves porque no estudiaste hoy

–Querido niño, te mejorarás.

El sol se pone, y te caminas a tu casa

Las estrellas te guían a tu futuro

Entonces echas tu amor, porque

–Querido niño, no estás solo.